Overall Results

Donations Raised
$ 0 K
Cool Number
0 %
Boost in Unique Visitors
0 %
Increase in Social Engagement
0 %


One Art Community Center is a Black-owned and family-run non-profit community center based in Philly that serves over 10,000 individuals annually. Contributions, no matter how small, directly supports the expansion of One Art education initiatives, wellness programming, and community events. One Art believes that the elevation of our community is a result of us doing the work to educate, heal, and reconnect with our Selves. At One Art, we want to continue to uplift our people through providing programs, workshops, ceremonies, and other events that stimulate the elevation of mind, body, and spirit for our members.


Across the street from the vibrant One Art stands a large empty lot. In 2019, the Greater Bibleway Temple church building that was over 115 years old, burned down, devastating the community in West Philadelphia. What was once a sacred space for gathering in worship, celebration, mourning, love, and so much more now sits vacant with a developer proposing a strip of luxury apartment buildings. When this almost 2 acre plot of land went up for sale across the street from One Art, we collaborated with One Art Community Center to begin imagining what development looks like when it’s a catalyst for empowerment rather than displacement.


One Art approached We Love Philly with an Idea to Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in order to raise the funds needed for Project Oasis. We began by researching and discussing with people who have raised over $500K to do the climb in the past. Once we understood what was needed, we began creating a social media campaign to raise awareness of various events promoting their climb. We created a marketing funnel for sponsors that begins with a landing page, followed by a series of calls, and ends with a pledge to donate.

Our Process

Landing Page

The first step of this project was making sure we had a way to get sponsors in and out of our funnel. This was done by creating a landing page with information about the climb for climbers, but also a booking link for potential sponsors to schedule a meeting. That kicks off the sales process to allow them to donate to our cause.

Slide Deck Design

We created slide deck presentations for both people interested in climbing with the group or sponsoring someone else to climb. This deck consists of key information such as what to bring and how to prepare, as well as how climbers can run their own fundraiser within their communities. You can view the deck here.

Promotional Content Creation

In order to promote the climb, we created a series of promotional videos to announce and drive traffic to our fundraising landing page on Give Butter. Our PR efforts were focused on featuring We Love Philly’s Executive Director and Founder on a podcast called Trophy Moments with Keith Baldwin. This opportunity was used to announce the climb and tell listeners/viewers how to get involved or support.



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