Chris Davis

Discovering Community with Global Citizen by Yaddiel Rodriguez April 14, 2020

As someone who lives in Philadelphia, I’ve never been to any events. I always played with my neighbors or stayed home. Growing up I was surrounded by violence on a consistent basis. Joining We Love Philly has given me a new outlook on the city . Philadelphia is showing me that there are good people

Discovering Community with Global Citizen by Yaddiel Rodriguez April 14, 2020 Read More »

Meeting My New Spiritual Family with One Art Community Center by Kassim Karamoko April 5, 2020

 My spiritual journey before meeting the family behind One Art Community Center felt like a maze, I was not sure where I could find people who could relate to me. I would meet new people and wonder “are they spiritual” ? It was a wonderful path that the universe took me on to learn about

Meeting My New Spiritual Family with One Art Community Center by Kassim Karamoko April 5, 2020 Read More »

What I Love About We Love Philly! By Cherish Green Feb 23, 2020

Stress, work, followed by more work, and doubled the amount of stress. These are common themes that I have experienced throughout my high school career. Without an outlet to relinquish my burdened emotions, I often felt overwhelmed and irritated. To top the cake, I also felt that there wasn’t a single class that could direct

What I Love About We Love Philly! By Cherish Green Feb 23, 2020 Read More »

Supporting Black Businesses By Mary Brooks Jan 11, 2020

 African Americans have been in the United States for hundreds of years. Not voluntarily, but forced. In America majority of businesses are started by the white community, the Asian community and the Latino community. What do we have to prove for our existence? Minority owned businesses are driving the U.S economy but, African American owned businesses are

Supporting Black Businesses By Mary Brooks Jan 11, 2020 Read More »

When you Give Love, You’ll Get Love by Thayid Wilson Oct 28, 2019

   Imagine if you and a couple friends took an idea and were passionate about making it a reality. Well, that’s exactly what Penny Dwyer and a few of her friends did! They came together and started the Penn Treaty Museum, which is located at 900 East Columbia Avenue. They held a community event during Indigenous Peoples’ Day, a

When you Give Love, You’ll Get Love by Thayid Wilson Oct 28, 2019 Read More »

Engaging the Community in Order to Make Nutritional Food Choices with Vetri Community Partnership Oct 7, 2019

  Growing up as youth in Philadelphia I did not have the most nutritional foods around me. I remember nights in front of the television with my favorites, Grilled Cheese,Top Ramen, TV dinners, boxes of cereal, frozen minute cheesesteaks, and fast food. When I went to school it was no different. I remember stopping in

Engaging the Community in Order to Make Nutritional Food Choices with Vetri Community Partnership Oct 7, 2019 Read More »

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